
When you spend a third of your life at work, where you do the work, actually matters more than you think. In a 700 person, UK-based study by the Social Market Foundation and the University of Warwick’s Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy, it is stated that happier employees are more productive in the workplace.

There are key benefits in separating work and life, and now more than ever, people are yearning for that separation. 

We all know that distractions at home are at an all-time high, and we may not know it, but our productiveness could be faltering. With larger companies rolling out slow re-integration measures for their employees to 'come back to work' to their designated offices, some people are choosing to opt-out of the traditional office vibe and long commutes, and are looking at alternative workspaces that not only offer more room to create but also have door-step locations that fit into their current lifestyles. 

As far as the case for productivity goes, there are a few things that an outside office, so to speak, can offer that your living room, come dining room, come kitchen, simply can't. 

Separate Work from Life

Working out of a co-work space not only delivers that compartmentalization we often need, but it also leads to a more successful outlook and results in our day-to-day work lives.

It gives you a change of scenery that allows for clearer thought processes and more structure. Simple acts of walking to your workspace, setting down to start the day, and writing down the tasks you need to get done by the end of the day is a rewarding feeling in itself. 

Meet Me At The Water Cooler (with your reusable bottle that is).

Collaborative work is the vice most freelancers and entrepreneurs crave when working solo. Working out of a like-minded space allows for impromptu conversations and collaborative thinking which can lead to cross-pollinating ideas that you never even dreamed of.

Think about that annoying task that you just can't seem to crack, an outsider or colleague's point of view could change the entire horizon for you and the work at hand, ergo, winning. 

Desk Versus No Desk

Studies have shown multiple times how your environment affects your well-being and in turn the way you work. So, it is then no surprise that working in an office or co-work space can breed better and more successful results.

From lighting and private conference rooms to fungible spaces to conduct brainstorm sessions and even photoshoots, co-work spaces are becoming a more desirable choice when it comes to physically going to an office. They provide structure, discipline, social opportunities, privacy, and a true breath of fresh air from the unruly times of now. 

Make Minds CoWork the Home for Your Work

Looking for a space to call your own? Our thoughtfully-designed office allows and supports members to be productive, and offers business and social solutions in a safe environment. From high-speed Wi-Fi to 24/7 access, we have you covered. Schedule a tour by emailing us at info@mindscowork.com. 

