


As our lives continue to be impacted by the worldwide pandemic, we are making your workspace away from home as clean and safe as possible. Our goal is to do whatever we can to prevent external factors from disrupting your mind and mental workflow. 


In adherence to guidelines set forth by local governments and The World Health Association (WHO), we instituted a variety of measures to protect your safety so you can have the peace of mind needed to work efficiently. 


Hygiene, physical distancing, cautionary signage and extra compassionate customer support are some of the many areas to which our focus has shifted, as the safety of our members and visitors alike is our top priority. 


1.Constant Cleaning

In addition to already habitual organizing, all desk tops, counter surfaces, machinery and popular touch points are frequently abs thoroughly desanitized for your use. 


2.Practiced Physical Distancing

We encourage that all members and visitors of Minds comply with local and federal guidelines and keep a safe distance of 6 feet (2 arms length) away from anyone not in their household, both in our indoor and outdoor areas. 

Visible signage that denounces congregating and supports a more open walk flow can be found all over our footprint and should be followed.


3.Bold Signage With Protective Prompts

We want you to clear your mind and focus exclusively on your business tasks at hand. After all, “a peaceful mind leads to a more productive grind!” 

 We’ve gotten rid of the guesswork so you don’t have to think about what is or is not permitted during these trying times.

For your ease and protection, we have created visible signage on the floors, walls and countertops with directives on social distancing, community hygiene, equipment use and more. All we ask is for you to read the signs then resume working! 


4.Facility Tours 

While we have not stopped our guided tours of our dynamic co work venue, we have adjusted the quantity of people per walkthrough as directed by the CDC. Please contact our community manager to learn more about our protocol and/or schedule a tour. 


5.Readily Available Concierge

We understand you may have a lot on your mind during this time. For this reason, we offer a dedicated community manager to help with everything from guided facility tours, room and WiFi access, printing, equipment operation and much more. At Minds, you will have a lot to work with and very little to worry about! 

Please review our complete COVID Cautious brochure located at the top of our homepage.

