
As many people have noticed throughout the past couple of months, working remotely isn’t all it’s cracked up to me. A flexible work arrangement allows people to be a bit more independent and take ownership of their lives, with the ability to work out of a location that best suits their needs.  

Being that the current state of affairs has people wanting their routine back, it’s best to transition and give individuals the option of telecommuting, so they can at least work out of a private office in a shared space or coffee shop.  

Why go through a shared space before getting back to the office? 

Obviously, there are health and safety concerns from both employees and organizations. There are a lot of new regulations and policies (depending on the state) that create a safer environment. But, the real big reason to go to a shared space is that it’s where the future of work is headed

Why Nearly 71% of Remote Workers are Going to Shared Spaces 

New research shows that workers’ views on remote working and coworking spaces have changed drastically. Before, telecommuting would’ve been considered a luxury and something that might have deemed too risky. Now, we’ve learned that it’s a valuable incentive for employees that need prefer to work in a private environment. 

The research from “Coworking Insights” 2020 Future of Work report, found other valuable bits of information from employees that are working remotely. Here are just a few: 

  • 87.1% of respondents stated they would recommend remote working to a friend, giving remote working an overall score of 77/100. 

  • 73.9% of remote workers enjoy having a flexible schedule most of all. Additional benefits of remote working include the ability to work from anywhere, no commute, cost-savings, and improved productivity. 

  • 79.7% of respondents said they are more productive when working remotely. 

  • 77.2% stated that remote work has had a positive impact on their mental health. 

  • 76.4% stated that remote work has had a positive impact on their family/social life. 

  • 71.5% of workers that used coworking prior to the pandemic plan to return to it, while 54.9% of remote workers that didn’t use coworking before stated that they will consider joining a coworking space as a remote work solution in the future.


There are more findings in the full report, but it’s evident that people that have switched to remote work prefer to stay that way. The networking opportunities, money saved money, and the ability to work in a private space is appealing. The majority of people that have switched to remote have said that it has had a positive impact on many aspects of their day-to-day lives, both personally and professionally. 

Coworking Spaces Have Adapted Their Models and Policies 

Shared spaces have had to make several changes to be ready for the current and post-COVID office environment. There’s a lot more space between members, less of an emphasis on having in-house events and meetups (obviously), and making it a bit more strict on tours along with protocols for new guests.  According to the same study Coworking Insights, they found that coworking office spaces are: 

  • Adjusted cancellation policies to allow for more relaxed cancellation periods.

  • Lower pricing for new members and discounts to current members.

  • New student memberships for university students transitioning to online classes.

  • New “virtual plans” and virtual mail services, in which no physical presence is required.

  • Ability to rollover any unused days to future months for part-time shared desk members or pause membership entirely. 

  • Single-person rentals of meeting rooms for virtual meetings.

  • Virtual member events and online workshops, including collaborations with video conferencing companies.

  • Partnerships with local businesses to assist members and their families, including additional services by food delivery companies. 

  • Changing marketing strategies to reflect a new focus on selling private office memberships.

The common belief is that people moved to try coworking space during the pandemic are likely to stay with them permanently. So, as organizations are now prepping to have unique arrangements for their employees — there are already some committing to go fully remote and avoid having to pay ridiculous prices on offices, opting to give coworking stipends. 

Affordable Private Offices in Wynwood Down in Miami 

Down here at Minds CoWork, we’re doing our best to make accommodations for our members, both new and old. We understand that times are tough, and people don’t want to be stuck at home the whole day. Contact us today at so we can arrange a tour. 

