1. What is the Pricing?


Are you a startup with three, ten or twenty employees? Are you a freelancer that needs a more permanent space? Minds offers different price tiers and there’s likely one to fit your needs. Always consider all your options. Does this space that is more per month offer something that the cheaper space does not? How badly do you want that extra resource/amenity?

2.) Who are the other businesses in the space?


The other businesses in a coworking space play a large part in building and developing your own professional network. Coworking communities can be targeted toward specialized groups like artists, developers or scientists. While they might not necessarily brand themselves as an “Artist” or “Tech” space, you may want to analyze the companies to get a feel for it yourself. They could end up being your customers in a way you hadn't expected.

3.) What is the culture of the space like?

Are the members engaged? Do they take advantage of networking opportunities and events? At Minds you will be able to find a space that fits your needs and also is a warm and welcoming environment.

4.) What extras are offered?


Some things are obvious— wifi, printer, desk availability, free coffee. Do you have specific needs for your work environment? Do you prefer a place with a fully stocked kitchen? Is the architecture and design of the space important to you? This is always something to consider when touring spaces. Ask yourself, “Yes they have what I need, but do they have what I want?”

5.) Are there conference rooms?


Conference rooms are very important for conducting virtual and in-person meetings. The space you sign with should not only have adequate space, but a software capable to handling room reservations and provide easy access to conference room availability.

6.) What is the Cost to Reserve a Conference room?


Outside of conference room availability, one should also weigh the cost of reserving that space. A coworking space could have appropriate availability, but if reserving that space is out of you budget, that could effect your business. Spaces tend to have different approaches to conference room bookings. In some spaces, there will be plans with built-in cost for conference room usage and at others, you will have a certain amount of hours to book per month and when you exceed that limit you will pay by the hour.

7.) How do members get in touch with the community manager?

Some spaces use services like slack while others have an “in-person” approach. Minds offers a group chat and a community manager is always around the corner to help. Choosing a space with poor communication channels can lead to a poor member experience.

8.) If I have a question where can I get information?

Your wifi stops working in the middle of sending an e-mail. It’s happened to all of us. At Minds a community manager is there to handle any issues. Make sure you join a space that has ample resources available for self-service so you don’t have to depend on management.

9.) What makes the space unique?

If you find yourself in a situation choosing between two similar spaces, it’s always a good idea to figure out what makes each space unique. Is there something that one offers that is more fitting for your business? Minds offers a photo studio and weekly events to add to the community. 

10.) Are there day passes?


Minds offers day passes, which gives someone who is indecisive the opportunity to be immersed in the experience of the space before having to commit to it.

