
When we think about digital marketing, we relate it to customer acquisition and retention. These, indeed, are the goals. With a strong digital marketing effort, you can reach a target audience, turn consumers into long time customers, and then find ways to continue providing what those customers want. Along the path to success in this area though, you’ll also build up your own business community.

Here are five ways in particular in which a bigger and broader focus on digital marketing can help to grow your business community.

1. Embracing Remote Workers

Today’s trend toward coworking spaces has a lot to do with entrepreneurism and startup culture. Our blog post on ‘How Tech-Forward Coworking Space Are Setting Entrepreneurs Up For Success’ covered as much, identifying a few ways in which independent and aspiring business people can use these spaces to get ahead.

At the same time though, coworking spaces are also making it easier for existing companies to hire remote contributors. A lot of jobs that would fall under this umbrella today relate to marketing and some of the specific needs (like content and social media) that we’ll touch on below.

People in these positions don’t necessarily need to be on-site, which ultimately means that businesses expanding marketing efforts can now grow their communities remotely.

2. Developing a Content Team

In covering how growing companies should go about digital marketing, Ayima Kickstart discusses publishing content, stating how without SEO-driven, search-friendly content, a business’s site “simply will not rank.” A lot goes into addressing this aspect of digital marketing; an understanding of SEO is needed, and often a business will turn to contracted analysts and marking teams to help with strategy.

However, a business looking to sustain content that will assist its marketing efforts will also need to develop its own content team, either of in-house writers or remote contributors. In this way, content marketing will also help to build up a bigger business community.

3. Developing a Social Unit

Today, digital marketing typically includes a social effort. Look through B2C’s 12 signs it’s time to hire a social media manager, and you’ll almost undoubtedly see a few that would pertain to your business.

Maybe you don’t fully understand all of the platforms your customers use, or you simply don’t think much about social media.

Whatever the case, more and more companies are devoting more resources to social media because of its importance in marketing. Whether this means hiring a social media manager or a small unit to work on this part of the business, this too can end up expanding your community.

4. Hiring CX Specialists

Make no mistake your CX — customer experience — is also part of your marketing effort. Retention and reputation building are every bit as important as attracting new customers, and with great customer experience you’ll make it all the more likely that customers keep giving you business and speak well of you to others.

Today, a lot of the talk around CX tends to revolve around automation. And it’s true that a lot of companies are transitioning to automated call center responses, chatbots, and the like. However, Retail Dive noted a strong preference among consumers for human interaction. Specifically, it cited a survey revealing that 70% of people would rather deal with a human than a digital alternative.

5. Building Your Management Team

For all of the above marketing efforts, you’ll also be building up your management team. You’ll need people in positions of authority to monitor and coordinate efforts in CX, social media, content creation, and so on, which ultimately means further expansion of your internal business community.

In the end, it’s a lot of work in a number of different areas, and it will require a significant uptick in personnel, from managers to potential contracted contributors. This all makes for a larger and more capable business community though, and one that can support continual, effective marketing efforts.

What is Your Company Doing to Improve The Marketing Department?

Scaling marketing campaigns is not an easy task. It requires a lot of testing, (unfortunately) failure, and an amazing team. We hope that the tips provided can help you come up with more innovative solutions to scale your marketing department.

